You must really be a sucky tester.

I’m kidding, of course.  There may be several explanations as to why an excellent tester like yourself is not finding bugs.  Here are four:

  • There aren’t any bugs!  Duh.  If your programmers are good coders and testers, and perhaps writing a very simple Feature in a closely controlled environment, it’s possible there are no bugs.
  • There are bugs but the testing mission is not to find them.  If the mission is to do performance testing, survey the product, determine under which conditions the product might work, smoke test, etc., it is likely we will not find bugs.
  • A rose by any other name… Maybe you are finding bugs in parallel with the coding and they are fixed before ever becoming “bug reports”.  In that case, you did find bugs but are not giving yourself credit.
  • You are not as excellent as you think.  Sorry.  Finding bugs might require skills you don’t have.  Are you attempting to test data integrity without understanding the domain?  Are you testing network transmissions without reading pcaps?

As testers, we often feel expendable when we don’t find bugs.  We like to rally around battle cries like:

“If it ain’t broke, you’re not trying hard enough!”

“I don’t make software, I break it!”

“There’s always one more bug.”

But consider this, a skilled tester can do much more than merely find a bug.  A skilled tester can also tells us what appears to work, what hasn’t broken in the latest version, what unanticipated changes have occurred in our product, how it might work better, how it might solve additional problems, etc. 

And that may be just as important as finding bugs.


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