“Yikes! The AUT just shut itself down… maybe I clicked the close button without realizing it. Oh well.”

“Rad! Awesome error! …I’ll worry about it later because I promised the devs I would finish testing the feature changes by close of business today.”

“Man, that’s a nasty error…I think I overheard some testers talking about a data refresh. I’m sure the data refresh is causing this error. I’ve got other things to worry about.”

“Dude, I keep seeing this annoying bug. Fortunately, I know the workaround. I’m sure another tester has already logged it. Moving on...”

Note to self,

Stop assuming system errors and strange behavior have already been logged or are due to some QA environment maintenance. What if everyone else is assuming the same thing? Problems get annoying, even for testers (shhhh, don't tell anyone). It feels great to ignore seemingly lesser problems in order to focus on seemly greater problems. But I am being paid to keep track of all problems. Nobody said it was easy.


  1. Mark Waite said...

    I think we're paid (as testers) to find the most valuable and interesting problems for the business. We compromise between deep investigation of problems and surface scans because we're trying to detect the most valuable target rapidly, then we focus intense investigation on that target. Often, we're wrong...

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