I finally added Perlclip to my tray. I use it several times a week when I have to test text field inputs on my AUT. Among other things, this helpful little tool, created by James Bach, allows one to generate a text string with a specific character count. That alone is not very cool. However, the fact that the generated text string is comprised of numbers that indicate the count of the following astrisk is way cool.

Example: If I create a "counterstring" of 256 characters, I get a string on my clipboard that can be pasted. The last portion of the string looks like this...


Each number is telling you the character number of its following astrisk. Thus, the last astrisk is character #256. The last "6" is character #255. Get it? So if you don't have a boundary requirement for a text input field, just paste in something huge and examine the string that got saved. If the last portion of the saved string looks like this...


...your AUT only accepted the first 62 characters.


  1. Anonymous said...

    In all of the time I've wasted reading your stupid blog this is the 2nd thing I've found useful/neat so far. Thanks.

  2. Eric Jacobson said...

    Yeah, thanks for the um, compliment.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Very nice blog, it's bookmarked. Keep on posting!

  4. essay service said...

    Thanks for your tips.

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